Wednesday, 24 April 2013

#190 CD29 IUI #3 (04/24/13)

Well I made it to 12DPI with relative relaxation.  Today I’m fidgety, nervous, anxious, and plain impatient.  Earlier this week I decided that I would POAS on Thursday (Tomorrow), because for some reason I have that day in my head as the end of the TWW, 14 DPI, but it is in fact a day early.  Thus I will only be testing with a cheapie dollar store test, just to get this out of my system. 

This cycle has been mostly better than the last two.  For the last two, I had started spotting 5-6 DPI, and continued until AF showed up fully.  Last Thursday, I had a chemical melt down because I started spotting again, amongst other things in life that happened that day.  Then the spotting stopped.  Yay.  Then on Saturday night I noticed one spot again, but a little different than usual; a little more mucus than usual.  (Sorry for TMI.)  Then nothing. 

Per my iPeriod app AF is due today.  It has shortened cycle average due to extremely short cycles the past couple months.  I’m on CD29.  The past couple days I have been peeing a lot.  And every time I go, it is stressful.  Will there be spotting?  For the most part it has been no, which has been exciting.  Half way through this morning though I noticed once a small spot of pink.  Since this random spot there has been nothing. 

Now all I can think of is my stomach area in general.  And because I’m focus on this I am pondering the mild cramps I’ve been feeling.  Are they the start of my period? Are my intestines just generally unhappy?  Are they from my uterus preparing to house a fetus for the next 10 months?  Are they from my lining preparing for a mass exodus and the red sea is just biding its time for a flood? 

Each time I need to pee I wonder what I will see.  Once again, it was as white as can be.  Yippee.  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the words of encouragement Alison. I've deleted your comments per your request.

    So far this morning BFN. But it was a dollar store cheapie, still 13DPI and no signs of AF even though CD30. I'm testing tomorrow with a CBE test. Hoping for better results.
