Friday, 18 October 2013

Ultrasound 29 Weeks 2 Days (10/18/13)

Profile shot

Full Face view, eye lids and all. 

We got to see him pull his toes up to his head.  Very cute.

The bean is doing very well.  He is now in the 70th percentile.  I was very worried when I first heard this, but the doctor said that is still all good and well.  With hypertension they worry about low birth weight, so him being a bit bigger is good.  (I just hope he isn’t going to get too big.)  But I guess he just had a big growth spurt. 

And here are the two missing weeks of belly shots

Week 28 Getting thicker

Troll tummy has officially popped out, still not looking pregnant though.  As of last Saturday I have gained 17 pounds in this pregnancy.  I think tomorrow’s weigh in is going to show a bit more of a gain, I just hope not too much. 

Seeing I got some good recommendations for stuff needed before the baby on last blog post, and I am very thankful for that, I am now asking for recommendations for Breast Pumps.  I know I definitely want electric double pump, but after reviewing some of the products out there I’m more confused than ever.  My friend recommended the Medela, but after reading some reviews the ratio of them conking out after 5+ months isn’t winning, plus there seems to be a concern of getting mold in the pump/tubes.  I think I need to look at some of them hands on at stores instead of online, but I would appreciate any feedback on breast pumps.  


  1. Love the ultrasound photos! Especially the one where he's grabbing his toes. (I think I'm going to have a hard time referring to your little guy as Bean though. ;) )

  2. So for the breast pump, my sister in law gave me her medela pump in style advance double electric breast pump. She used it through 2 babies of her own and I'm still using it with my 4 month old. As for mold in the tubes, my understanding is, moisture can get in them if you've washed the pump parts but not let them dry completely so droplets of water get sucked into the tubes when pumping (hope that makes sense.) So I've never had that issue. That being said, you can buy the kit which includes the tubes, bottles, and parts that go on your breasts at the pharmacy at the hospital for $40 I think... Medela brand is what the lactation consultants I work with recommend, and its the brand of pump we provide to women in hospital. If you're going to be pumping somewhat daily so your partner can give a bottle once per day like I did, I found it nice to use the double pump as it takes half the time. I guess it depends how much you plan to use it... -Calgary nurse
    Ps. Are you getting SO excited to meet your little one?
