I haven’t posted in so long and there seems to be so much information about
Spencer’s development missing, and this post has turned out to be much longer
than a post should be to give readers a break point for a quick read I have
broken this post into a few sections.
and Emotional -
Knows familiar faces and begins to know if
someone is a stranger. He definitely recognizes
immediate family, his first arm reaches went out to Poppi (Randy). He is pretty friendly to new women, in fact
he is a little flirt to women. Strangers
that are men can make him cry. I think
we need to expose him to more men. He is
pretty good with the ladies at church that like to hold him and talk to him,
but if a random man says hello to him he cries a little too often.
Likes to play with others, especially parents
– loves
to play, Yaya (Cherry) is his favorite person to giggle with right now. He loves anticipation games like going in for
a tickle or bounce.
Responds to other people’s emotions and
often seems happy – He
is a very happy baby over all. His
chemical melt downs are if he gets too tired or hungry and that is
understandable. He also responds to
other peoples smile which is great.
Likes to look at self in a mirror – Baby in the mirror
has been a great game for a long while now.
It is also one of his physio exercises to tilt him in a mirror to get
him to right his head.
Responds to sounds by making sounds – We talk all the
time. He loves it. His current favorite noise right now is the
brmmm brmmm noise. When he is upset that
is when we hear the Maaaa word. We occasionally
get a hiii back with saying hi to him repetitively.
Strings vowels together when babbling (ah,
eh, oh) and likes talking with parents while making sounds – His vowel sounds
have been chatting for a long while now, we occasionally get the combo of
Agoo. Same as above we have long
conversations of me parroting back to him.
He also recognizes questions like Do you want up, do you want to have a
shower etc.
Responds to his own name – Yes, for a little
over a month now I think.
Makes sounds to show joy and displeasure – He definitely giggles
and squeals with joy. That is the best
noise every, hearing him giggle. When I
am trying to get a little more sleep and cuddle with him in the morning, if he
is ready to get up he fusses and cries until I get out of bed. He then knows that I will be getting ready
and we will head downstairs to play and have breakfast.
Begins to say consonant sounds (jabbering
with m, b) - As mentioned above, when he is upset Maaa
comes out. When he is just babbling
brmmm comes out with varying tones behind it.
Baa still seems elusive though, but I guess we don’t say that one very
often. However he found brmmm by
himself. New sounds from him are fun to
hear and encourage.
(Learning, thinking, problem-solving
Looks around at things nearby – He has always been
a curious looker. Everything he sees he
seems to contemplate what it means and what is happening.
Brings things to mouth – This started around
3 months and has progressively gotten better.
It was around 20 weeks that he was able to pick up his suckie and get it
into his mouth correctly. That is now a
favorite game, kind of like a rubix cube.
He takes it out, turns it around moves it between hands and then
repositions it in his mouth correctly.
Or he turns it to chew on the handle part as a teether kind of
Shows curiosity about thins and tries to
get things that are out of reach – Ever since he could roll onto his side he
has been trying to get to things that are for him, or some that are not. We now need to watch how close his exersaucer
is to things as he has a long reach and tries to get the table cloth or cords
and the like.
Begins to pass tings from one hand to the
other - This has been happening for a while now, his
favorite, as mentioned, is his suckie, but he now does it with other toys as
Rolls over in both directions (Front to
back and back to front) – Spencer’s first witnessed roll was from back to front
on May 28. For a while he was able to go
from his back to his side but he seemed afraid to continue. To get to his side he would lift his legs in
the air and lean them over to use gravity to pull him to his side. At his last physio appointment I was
concerned that he was favoring going one way, but since then he has developed
going both directions. He can now go
from front to back and back to front both directions which is great
mobility. Unfortunately due to the dogs
we can’t leave him on the floor unsupervised, so floor time is slightly
limited. But I’m working more of it into
our daily routine. Since floor time has
been incorporated, we put together alphabet floor mats to make cleaning a bit
easier and to give him a little cushion for rolling.
Begins to sit without support – June 18th
was when Spencer was able to sit without support. He is getting better at this and can now
correct his position as he is slightly leaning.
It was a great day to celebrate.
Before his June physio we didn’t really think to start his sitting
skills, but she showed what to do to assist his development with that and it
worked fairly quickly after that.
When standing, supports weight on legs and
might bounce – Standing
has been Spencer’s favorite activity for a long time, around 13 when he could
stand with just us holding his hands for balance. He is now learning the bounce technique when
we are helping him. He is also starting
the stepping motion which is fun. His
balance still needs a fair amount of work though, and I think that is
Rocks back and forth, sometimes crawling
backward before moving forward – This is just starting to develop. Not so much as rocking, most like army crawl
of ooching forward. His arms and legs
aren’t quite coordinated to support himself up yet.