Today Spencer Peed in the potty. Slightly by default though. A little while back he was interested in the toilet in our master bathroom one morning while we were getting ready. So we broke out our potty and stripped him down and sat him on both. Now mornings, when we have time we strip him down and sit him on it. Two days shortly after we took him out and while he is still in the buff, having diaper free time to help with rash, in the bathroom he has peed somewhere. Today however he peed while on his potty. Woohoo. (On November 19th)
Also his food pickiness seems to be slightly waning. For a few weeks, which seemed endless, he wouldn't eat anything from a spoon. He had to be feeding himself. We tried to get him to use the spoon and that worked a little, but only for a couple days.
His walking is coming along and he is getting more daring between objects. He is also working on climbing things.
The gagging himself thing almost subsided. We chose to ignore the bad behavior. Recently it is coming back. Not sure what else to do. Hopefully it is a short stint.
Spencer has now had a hair cut. I had gone in to get a hair consult and ended up getting it done and while they were waiting for the perm to set they trimmed his hair. It didn't faze him. I was a little traumatized. It was his first hair cut after all.

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