Thursday, 12 February 2015

Updates, so long overdue

This is going to be a very random post.

Let's start with Spencer.  A cute story.  Spencer isn't dependant on suckies (pacifiers) by any stretch, except to sleep, but he likes to hide them, swap them out and in general play with them.  We used to keep a stash on the shelf of his change table that he could reach.  But to be honest his hiding places are getting too good and we were having trouble finding them all (around 5).  This, in turn, dwindled his stash and we couldn't leave him access. While at the dollar store we bought some more to increase his stash, and so we could find one to use at night.  We brought out a couple and kept an eye on them more so.  One morning, I decided we had bought quite a few and he missed his suckie stash, so I found all that I could and opened the new packages and put most of them on the shelf.  When he discovered them he was ecstatic.  He was picking up 2-3 in each hand and putting them down to exchange the one in his mouth.  Then he crouched down so he couldn't see them, then slowly crept up, and low and behold, they were still there and he began to giggle.  He played with the stash for about 20 minutes while we got ready to go to work.  He would grab a few and walk to us to show, then take them back, drop them on the floor and put them back, swap out the one in his mouth.  It was quite comical and precious.  He had missed his suckie stash. 

That brings me to going back to work.  I have handled this fairly well.  Don't get me wrong, I miss him like crazy, but at least he isn't in day care, and it is his Yaya looking after him.  The transition all around has gone well.  We are super busy at nights doing the things I used to do during the day, as well as playing with Spencer, but worth it. 

The down side to work has been work itself.  At the end of last year I finally gave up my union membership to work on films because I figured I would be at Pyramid for ever, or until we moved to Sechelt (pipe dream).  So no use paying for dues for something I won't use, and my extended medical coverage had run out.  Fair enough right, WRONG.  In January I finally applied to a job in Sechelt, (turns out the job I was applying for wasn't being replaced).  On the application they asked if they could contact my employer, so I gave Anne the heads up that someone might be calling, and that I wasn't job shopping, this was a one off on the just in case.  Anne then sent an email back saying no problem, and gave me the slight warning that my job might go to part time in the next year or so.  I figured if nothing else that would be good timing for Deb to return to work, and then I would be part time and we would only need part time daycare.  WRONG.  Less than 20 hours back at work and I get notice that I would be going to part time in two weeks.  F#*%^&.  With Deb about to go on Maternity leave that is not an option for me.  We both can't be on reduced income. 

Immediately I email my union and ask if I can be reinstated, it is less that a month from when my official resignation took place.  WRONG, national office is insisting I pay the hefty reinstatement fee and the union dues.  Had Pyramid warned me a month earlier, I wouldn't be paying this fee.  Production work isn't stable work, and the only way Deb is agreeing to me going back to film, which I like more, as corporate work is pretty boring, is to sell the house and move in the Yaya and Poppi.  This was a fleeting idea that had come up the week before me going back to work but at that point I was a mess and couldn't contemplate that idea.  The reason behind it is, SHOULD something come up in Sechelt, and we were to move, we would only be dealing with one house instead of two.  So in the past 10 days our world has been shook up to say the least.  We are moving next door into shared accommodation, I'm looking for work, and with living with Yaya and Poppi we are hoping Deb will be able to be a stay at home mom permanently.  There is a show starting up soon and I have my resume with the accountant, I should hear back next week on whether I got the job as a first assistant.  There is a possible other job available, but it is as a second assistant, so less money, but for longer work.  It was a hard decision to pick which one to "accept" so to speak. 

Enough about work, at Spencer's 12 months vaccinations, which happened closer to 13.5 months old, Spencer was 23 lbs, which is at the 50th percentile and 31" tall which was 70th percentile.  So pretty good on average.  He was a trooper getting his shots.  Afterwards we needed to wait around for 15 minutes to make sure there wasn't a reaction.  He just kept walking around the halls and squealing with delight.  So that was good.  True to form, the next day he was fine, but the following two days he was a grump.

For Christmas, we got Spencer swimming lessons.  He loves them.  The first one he didn't quite know what was going on as we were getting ready, however the next trips, he was running through the parking lot to get to the door and get ready. We missed one due to stomach bug, but that day there was a maintenance issue and we got a credit for that day anyway, so that was nice.  We have finished the lessons, but I think we need to make a point to go once a week or so since he loves it so much.  But then again he also gets to go in our hot tub for water play as well, when the weather is nice enough. 

Deb's pregnancy is doing well.  Her gestational diabetes tests for the first screen came up positive which was a scare, but when she went in for the detail testing, she got an all clear, so that was a huge relief.  And because her belly was measuring a bit large we got to go in for another ultrasound, so we got to see him again. 
Spencer still isn't talking much.  He still uses a sound for animals, that is remotely like the soft U sound, as our pup is Tuffy, and he associates that name with all animals so far.  Then he also does the soft A for any fruit, it started with me trying to get him to say apple, but then translated into any fruit, as that is his favorite food.  But then again he randomly says A while playing too.  I hope he starts talking soon as he is a little behind development wise for speaking.   Hopefully that picks up soon.  We also need to work on shaking head for yes and no, which we don't do often, so that is something we need to work on ourselves. 
That brings you generally up to speed.  We will see how things develop in the near future.

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