Friday 18 September 2015


At just shy of five months, Declan started to crawl today.  Yay, or oh boy, not sure.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Toddler Trampoline & A Talking Cat

This is one of Spencer's favorite pastimes....Jumping

He can go from this to the "jumping" couch and then try and get you to let him jump on the bed (which we reserve for just before bedtime to expel any last energy).

He occasionally has a great dismount too, he sit/swings down from the bar and then stands.  Other times he just gets off.  The fact that gives me a few grey hairs is he is starting to test not holding on.  We try not to make a big deal out of it otherwise he challenges it.  Stubborn little guy when he wants to be.

This is Declan "Talking".  When he really gets going he sounds like a cat.  He is growing so quickly.
Spencer has had his hear test that was ordered by speech therapy.  He can hear 100%.  So that is good.  He was never a big babbler, which apparently will hinder his speech.  So we have been ordered to get him to be "Louder".  So far it is getting better.  He can say "cheese" in lieu of please.  And now he will say Again.  We almost had him saying more, but again has taken over for that.  Slowly words are coming.  Mom and Momma are still not here.