Thursday 14 March 2013

#184 IUI#2 (03/14/13)

Well, today was IUI#2.  The difference this time was it was a little more uncomfortable.  The speculum was pried open a little further than needed in my books, which was the more uncomfortable part of the whole procedure.  After trying the first catheter the nurse took it out, and tried a different one to be sure the sperm went where it was supposed to.  I did feel it poke, so it got in.  We did have a chuckle though, while the nurse was doing her thing, Deb mouthed the word “RELAX”, and which I responded silently the words “I’m Trying”.  That gave us the giggles and the nurse asked if we were ok.

This time, I’m not having as much seepage which is hopefully better news.  Our sperm had a very different count this time.  It was 42m per ml, (our first was 76).  The upside is the motility was higher this time at 54% instead of 42%.  End result though is, 9 mil active which was lower than last time at 13.6 mil. 

Fingers crossed the sample had the ONE we need.  

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