Friday 18 October 2013

Head Down (10/18/13)

Last night as I was falling asleep, Deb and I were cuddling, and she started to giggle, which means she felt a good kick from my stomach.  I fell asleep pretty quickly after that.  Apparently, however, the Bean was on the move.  My stomach looked like it was morphing into something else, the bean was kicking and pushing and moving.  Deb intently watched my stomach for a long time, until it settled down.  This morning I felt he was in a different position, because before now he was laying sideways (maybe that explains my troll tummy instead of prego belly).  Alas, per this morning’s ultrasound he is no longer in a breech position and is head down. 

My MIL had a slight freak about that however.  When she was pregnant with Deb’s brother he was in breech till fairly late in pregnancy.  The day after he turned, she went into labour.  So she was worried I was going to be going into labour soon.  Deb assured her that is not normally the case.  

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