Wednesday 17 December 2014

A Kick to the Teeth

Well a year is almost up and Spencer is almost a year old. Wow time flies. But this post isn't about that. This is about misinformation regarding mat leave. My first six weeks off was for medical leave because I had a Csection. I was informed my Mat leave would start after that six weeks. What Service Canada neglected to tell me is that Mat leave ends when baby is a year old no matter when you started it. I can appeal that but it doesn't look too good. 

So we now start six weeks of no pay until I return to work in Febryary. 


  1. Ugh. Dealing with government stuff sucks. At least we get a really nice mat. leave here though. I don't know how our American counterparts manage!

  2. That is very true Allison. The coverage we have here in Canada is excellent and we need to be thankful for that
