Thursday 20 February 2014

Nine Weeks (02/20/14)

Spencer has grown so quickly, where has the time gone.  He holds he is head very well now, and can plank when suspended incredibly.  We do need to do more hard surface tummy time though.  The past week he has loved trying to stand.  He can hold most of his weight for moments, but not balance.  But he loves being in the standing position to be as tall and big as he can.  It is adorable. 

His vocal skills are coming along with Agoos and what not.  He has definitely found his loud voice when upset recently.  Up till now it took quite a while of fussing (which we tried to attend too quickly), before he went into full wailing; the past couple days the full wailing has come a little quicker.  I think mostly because his tummy has been upset a little, and thus could only eat small amounts, and thus needed feeding more often.

It is amazing to watch him learn.  Lately he loves watching his mobile in the lamb swing.  He is all smiles when he is awake watching it, and almost giggling.  It is great to see him start to chuckle in his sleep, fun times he must be dreaming about. 

At his two month doctor’s appointment he weighed a whopping 4.93 kg (10 pounds 13.93 oz).  The measurement for his length didn’t seem to be much more, yet he is outgrowing sleepers and onsies every day it seems. 

I will include the chair growth photos in a separate post.