Thursday 28 June 2012

#3 Excuses and Counters #2 (03/22/12)

Major Excuse #2 -I lost track of time, in other words procrastinating.  This ties into yesterday's excuse of NO time to exercise.  But I had full intentions of exercising, but ended up not because I got engrossed in non essential tasks. 
Rebuttal - I don't really have a rebuttal of sorts, I think I just need to make a scheduled habit of things.  Make exercise one of my top five to do list items of the day. 
  1. Get home from work and cook/have dinner.
  2. After dinner clean/tidy the kitchen
  3. Make lunches for the next day
  5. Then I can do the other toodling things I need/want to get done. 
Gaining this weight has taken a lifetime of decisions and it isn't going to come off magically.  I need to think about every decision I make and why I made that choice.  From there I need to change my thought process. 
 I would like to note however, yesterday I did try and sit up straight at points in the day and flex/work my core muscles, and take a moment to stretch here and there.  I hope to try and keep that up, along with new good habits to replace old bad habits. 

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