Friday 29 June 2012

#5 Excuse #3 Lack of motivation

Day 9, here is a recap and newest excuse to battle.
Excuse #1 -I have no time to exercise. 
Excuse #2 -I lost track of time. In other words Procrastinating
Excuse #3 – Lack of Motivation
The Rebuttal to that is, having a support system.
Well, I'm getting better for making time to exercise.  I'm focusing on that, therefore not getting sidetracked to lose time for exercise.  I know I'm only a little over the first week.  But I need to stay motivated.  My wife is definitely helping with that.  As much as I didn't say I didn't want to exercise, I wasn't getting moving to do so, but my wife said we should and that was the little push I needed to do so.  I hope to be her support to.  I'm trying to be with the food portion, and trying to balance calories.  We make a good team, so I hope we can stay focused on this together.  Even though we said we should at least do a quick round of exercise, we did end up getting in 30 minutes which is good. 
 Three things that motivate me are
  1. My Wife, I want to look great for her.
  2. My Future Children, I don't want to be feeding them bad foods, so I need to be in the habit of good foods now. I don't want them to have the struggle with weight that I have.
  3. I need to become my own biggest motivation.

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