Friday 13 July 2012

#33 My body is trying to tell me something...Is it a Hoarder? (04/24/12)

Overall I feel a LOT better.  I can feel the skinny me wanting to get out.  I have been eating super healthy for a little over a month now.  The scale however is not cooperating.  I lost the first 2-3 pounds right away.  But things haven’t been moving for one reason or another.  Every week I can say this or that.  Are they just excuses though?  First was recovery from Easter, even though I ate way better than I ever would have.  Now am I just retaining water, the monthly bloat? 
I can feel my body wanting to drop the extra pounds, my body feels cleaner from the inside, yet something is stopping those pounds from leaving these tired bones.  Is my body having sentimental attachment to these pounds?  They have been around for a long time, so maybe my body isn’t quite ready to let them go.  Do I need to have an intervention with my body to say, it is ok to let go; to never see these pounds again. Any small diet attempt in the past, if I lost weight, it was like my body knew those pounds would be coming back soon enough, so my body never had to say GOODBYE.  But this time my body knows I am making the change.  Therefore, maybe it is having its own tantrum and holding onto them like an old broken toy.  Has my body been collecting these pounds like a hoarder?  It doesn’t realize how much better its life will be once it says goodbye to them once and for all.  My body has been collecting these pounds for a lifetime; they have been making life increasingly difficult.  My body needs to learn to let them go. 
I can hope, like a hoarder, once my body starts to let them go and say goodbye, they will just start to drop off quickly, as my body realizes it is better without them. 

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