Monday 30 July 2012

#61 My inner catalyst is back (05/29/12)

My previous post I Want Results was good in thought.  And I want to adhere to it, but today it seems my old demons are back. My head is saying, I want cookies, hmm Tim Horton’s sounds great too, one or two doughnuts or maybe a snack pack of Tim Bits. 

It seems I’ve eaten a lot today all ready.  I’ve had my usual snacks, then a bit more with cereal, and a few Lemon Poppy seed cookies.  They are about 25 calories each, but seem to be adding up with the other things.  Then to top it off, I would like to be able to have my cantaloupe this afternoon, and once again it is Tea Tuesday, and I’m not sure if I can resist having a cookie (or two, or three).  Eek, the tea cart is here...............  I was unable to resist.  Damn. 

My motivation and inner catalyst seem to contradict each other.  Maybe I need bribe my catalyst over this the motivation side.  The down side to that is the usual bribe is “Come to our side, we have cookies.”  That does not quite work in this situation.  The catalyst is my inner fat demon I think she needs a name; Amy maybe?  Maybe it is my catalyst Amy bribing my motivation with cookies.  Now that I am trying to kick start the motivation my inner demon is kicking up a fuss. 

Maybe I’ll try and do some extra flights of stairs today to balance off the cookies.  Let’s see if I can get my next fitbit badge to have 25 flights in a day.  I’m only on 3 however; it might be a challenge.  It seems Amy is trying to tell me “No, No, you really don’t want to do that.”  I think I need to show her a thing or two. 

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