Thursday 26 July 2012

#48 Boredom Munching (05/10/12)

This morning went by fairly quickly at work.  The afternoon however has seemed a lot slower.  I have been munching on this and that.  This is a slippery slope.  In my lunches, snacks are for the most part healthy, but eating all available snacks not a good idea.  This morning I had some honeydew melon, then some additional fruit and pretzels provided by work; standard snacking this morning.   This afternoon.......not so standard.  Lunch was usual, but I also had some yogurt with lunch, a small add on.  Then I finished my fruit and pretzels, not so bad.  Then for my afternoon coffee, I added sugar and cream.  Yes 18% coffee CREAM.  One table spoon anyways.  Usually I have it black to save on calories.  Then I was going to have some cantaloupe, but ended up snacking on air-popped popcorn with sweet and salty seasoning.  Homemade, 86 calories, but now that I’ve had that, I still want to continue to munch. 

I haven’t fallen victim to mindless munching for a while now.  Tonight is a bigger meal night, as it is a birthday party and I will be having lean steak, with baked potato, which had margarine added, then veggies.  For dessert, the delightful Puffed Wheat Squares.  As it stands, I’ve pre entered my dinner to see where I am at calorie wise and find that I am now 82 calories over my daily allowance, with only 1 PWS, I usually have two.  On average however at the end of the day, I get about 200+ calorie adjustment for Fitbit tracking activity.  I may be on target, but the urge to munch is still there.  I want to have some of that cantaloupe, which would be all I have with me (about 1.5 cups) and or prunes.  Surprisingly I don’t want the other options of sweet cereal or extra honey pretzels, or animal crackers.  Fruit sugars is where I’m craving at the moment.  Luckily the day is almost done and I can go home and have the delightful dinner.  I will try and get my full belly onto the treadmill afterwards though. Burn off some extra just in case there is no Fitbit adjustment to balance the extra off. 

Have a great night to anyone who’s reading, mostly my wife and Dharma.  :D

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