Wednesday 18 July 2012

#38 Cooking Disaster (05/01/12)

Last night as mentioned in yesterday’s blog, I was going to cook a lovely stir fry (No oil in the cooking though).  We have been getting fairly good at them.  HOWEVER, last night turned out horrible.  I wanted to make a curry stir fry, and thought we had some curry seasoning to create this piece.  We didn’t.  What we did have was this Thai Red Curry packet; just add chicken, kind of thing.  I’m not sure if it was just past expiry or just bad to begin with.  When opening I smelled it and it wasn’t bad per say, but the smell didn’t woo me.  I should have stopped there.  Into the pot went the sauce, and then I added some stuff to make the sauce go further.  Then I added all of our last week’s cut vegetables; continued cooking. 
Once it started cooking, the smell seemed to be getting worse.  We tried the sauce taste, it wasn’t the best taste, it was a little flat, so we added some more seasoning, trying to liven it up.  I fried (no oil, just some soya sauce) up some tofu to keep it firm then added to mix; tasted the sauce again.  It was a little better, but no woo factor.  The smell didn’t seem to be getting any better either.  We left it be though.  By this time my wife and I were getting fairly hungry, so we figured we would just deal with it, it couldn’t be that bad.  I cooked up some noodles to have with this mix.  To have dinner, we put the mix overtop of the noodles.  We sat down to eat, had a bite of the cauliflower that was in the mix, and the aftertaste from the sauce was BAD.  Horrible. Terrible.
Alas, we threw out the meal.  We were very disappointed.  We hadn’t had veggies for lunch, and now our veggies for dinner were ruined.  We were very hungry by this point, so we cooked the fasted almost balanced meal we could; KD, Tuna, Peas, and Corn, with cheese sprinkled on top.  Yesterday was a very disappointing food day. 

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