Thursday 9 August 2012

#102 Catch up (08/08/12)

Well, the crohns testing showed I do have an area that is inflamed, but wouldn’t tell me much more than that.  Hopefully I hear for a follow up soon.  If not I will call next week. 

Today my wife and I had our follow up with the fertility clinic.  We are both fertile, ovulating and having enough follicles, I have 15.  Our sperm choice has been narrowed though, as even though I am CMV positive which means I can choice either donor, my wife is negative, so if we want to use the same donor for each pregnancy, then we need to choose a donor that is also negative for CMV.  (Or infect my wife to make her positive before pregnancy, not an ideal option.)

The down side to the follow appointment was the next appointment I need, to look closer to my polyp.  When I originally saw it on the HSG it looked small, but I wasn’t looking at what the doctor was seeing.  In fact it is about 1 cm in diameter; I got to see the full picture today.  My doctor assured me that isn’t too big, but in the relative size to my uterus, I think it is.  So, early in my next cycle I go for an SHG (sonohysterogram).  It is similar to the HSG except with a saline solution instead of dye.  This will allow a clearer look at the polyp to determine whether it needs to come out or not.  My guess is yes it needs to come out.

I’ve said my body is a hoarder, but I didn’t realize it was also collecting polyps (I’ve had some removed from my colon).  My body needs to go through a de-clutter stage of getting rid of fat, water weight, and polyps. 

Weight wise, it isn’t going well.  It seems I reached the 10 pound mark and then lost a couple, gained them back, lost them again, but now they are back.  It seems these are the boomerang pounds that need to be broken of their habit of coming back.  Well, more of I need to get back into the habit of eating within calorie allowances truly, and then more exercise.  Bring back the good habits I was cultivating before the clearing of the house next door.

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