Wednesday 8 August 2012

#97 Life happens (07/24/12)

For weight loss, July seems to be a wash, I gained, I lost, I gained again.  End results will hopefully at least be a little bit of a loss.  With the house next door we had hoped all the exercise of moving and cleaning would burn more than enough calories to help us lose weight.  It didn’t seem to happen.  

Last week I gained back all lost the week before, but it seems to be partially TOM and T3 issues of digestion back up.  It has not been a good last week.  My teeth were hurting very badly, taking meds every two hours to keep back pain, along with Antibiotics, then a bad reaction to the antibiotics, so they were switched.  Plus I was still working on the house next door, so health went by the wayside it seems.

Fast forward to the root canal yesterday.  It didn’t go well; five freezing’s and still feeling pain.  At one point the dentist said “This is going to hurt, bear with me.”  It’s not like I had a choice.  The dentist said, we could stop and you could come back another time.  What good is that?  Delay the pain, have to go through the whole procedure again; no thank you.  I did a lot of crying after that traumatic dentist experience.  On the upside today my mouth is feeling better.  Still on some pain meds, but more realistic amounts every 4-6 hours.  I should be able to have no more T3’s so the digestion issues should clear themselves, literally.  I will probably help along with prunes to help clear the pipes. 

Low and behold this month, life just happened.  Losing weight took a back burner, but didn’t get forgotten all together.  There is a week left in July, we will still be working on the houses probably till August 1st at least, to some degree or another.  But maybe I can get back to walking at lunch, and fitting in some minor Wii work outs, and with less stress on my teeth, my body might start to relax and continue with weight loss. 

With all the lifting and cleaning, maybe the scales aren’t showing anything because some of our sticks of butter got turned to steaks, ie fat to muscle.  As per measurements I’m down a bit more, so that is possible. 

Life happens, and there is a light at the end of this long tunnel of crazy busy.  We are getting closer to the end when we can refocus on us and family, and getting pregnant and losing weight to get pregnant. 

I get my HSG on Thursday.  I’m a little worried about that, but the cramps will be worth it to make sure my tubes are working for fertility.  My doctor told me not to Google that procedure, it would scare me.  I’m now getting nervous, now that it is scheduled. 

The heat wave that has been plaguing Calgary is ebbing.  Today I was finally able to go for my lunch time walk again.  It was a small one, but at least I did get out. 

On a side note, I would love to thank my wife for taking care of me when my dentist appointment took a turn for the worse; she made me a wonderful protein shake for lunch and dinner and made sure I was ok all night.  I love my wife.

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